
We are a church that is dedicated to reach lost people and grow them in their relationship with Christ. Our mission is to lead people to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship.

Give with a heart that knows no bounds.


Tithing encompasses giving 10% of your income to the nearby church. It isn't a transaction or an effort to gain more of Jesus' affection. God isn't deficient; tithing showcases trust and dependence on Him as the source of our provisions. The Scriptures highlight that as we faithfully tithe, blessings come into our existence.

Give to Mission

Contributing an additional 10% tithe to your earnings will result in increased support for missions. This is due to the fact that the tithe is allocated to aid those engaged in missionary work. By supplementing your income with an extra 10%, you are providing extra funds to the church, which can then be utilized to back missions and facilitate the dissemination of the gospel on both local and global scales.

Witness the transformative power of your

generosity through God's actions

The generous soul will be made rich: God has promised to bless the generous soul and will do so with riches in this world, the next, or both. He who waters will also be watered himself: When we give, God knows how to give unto us. We can't water others without being watered ourselves.

Proverbs 11:25